Evelyn Page 2
her; rather it seems that her kidnapper was a kid himself.
”Shush. “he whispered, “Keep quite now. I will not hurt you. Nod if you promise to keep quiet and I will let you go.”
Evelyn tentatively nodded and drew a grateful breath of cool air into her lungs as the appendage released her, the hand that held onto her arm still stayed firmly grasping onto her though.
“What are you doing awake at this hour?” the boy asked.
Evelyn turned and looked at the general direction of the voice and almost cried out again in shock to see two glowing blue orbs staring back at her. The hand was swiftly placed over her lips again and a hushed whisper of “Quiet” came from the boy.
She nodded signalling that she understood and the hand was removed reluctantly.
“Your eyes. They glow.” She stammered.
“Well, yours do to.” The boy retorted.
“You lie.” Evelyn said, “I’ve never seen anyone with glowing eyes.”
“Have you seen yourself in the mirror in the dark before?” Evelyn shook her head forgetting that in the darkness, not much could be seen.
“Well, if you haven’t you wouldn’t know would you?” the boy said tersely. “What are you doing walking about in this time of the night?”
Guilt assailed her, as she stammered again. “I heard something.” Then gathering up her courage, she asked. “What are you doing up at this time?”
“I could not sleep” he replied. “Anyway, you should not be walking about in the house now, so to bed.” He said, pulling her towards the huge bed in the centre of the room.
“Wait.” Evelyn said, “My room is downstairs.”
“No need to worry, sleep here tonight. It is warmer.” The boy said and pushed her onto the bed.
The soft sheets rustled under her weight and Evelyn found herself enjoying the feel of the thick and soft mattress under her. The boy pulled the covers over her and crawled in under the sheets after her. “Sleep.” He commanded.
“I’ll get into trouble.” Evelyn protested as she sighed and snuggled under the sheets, the luxury of the bed dissolving her resolve.
“Don’t worry. I’ll wake you up before the rest of the house. Sleep now.”
“What’s your name?” Evelyn asked sleepily, she was after all only five and needed her sleep very much.
The boy stopped arranging the sheets for a short while before replying, “Julius. What’s yours?”
“Hmph. Evelyn.” She replied yawning and dropped off into slumber.
Julius listened in the darkness of the room, a soft click and shuffling outside of his room found him pulling the covers up to his neck and covering the little girl slumbering next to him totally. Sliding down onto the pillows, he closed his eyes and regulated his breathing into a slow and deep rhythm mimicking deep slumber.
His door opened a fraction and his father’s man servant looked in and satisfied that the child was asleep in his bed, he closed the door firmly with a click. Julius lay on his back breathing slowly, as the shuffling outside of his room increased until all sound and movement has completely stopped before he allowed himself to fall back to sleep.
The next day when Evelyn awoke, her father had disappeared along with her sisters. Rumour was that he was to be persecuted for illegal trading of drugs and ran off. The guest as it turns out is to be the new Mayor and has swiftly assured every staff that they will remain under his employ. The butler had also disappeared along with his master, presumably as he acted as his right hand in his illegal dealings.
No one mentioned that Evelyn has been abandoned but she is to stay with the cook from now on. A feeling of despair came over her as she sat on the steps of the kitchen, she has been abandoned by her father and now there is no one for her any more. Cook is a kindly old woman who will not be able to continue working in this house for long and that would mean that Evelyn and she will have to leave this house which she had lived in all her life.
“What are you doing sitting here look all sad and gloomy?” a voice startled her out of her thoughts.
Looking up, she saw the new mayor’s son standing in front of her.
“Did you get into trouble that day?” He asked.
“No.” She replied, shaking her head.
“Then tell me why you are looking so glum.” He demanded.
“I’ve been abandoned by my family.” She said.
“Oh...” Julius said, not knowing what to say to this revelation.
“But its okay.” She continued and started to sniffle, “because I’m going with cook.” Tears started to well in her eyes and big fat droplets began to roll down her cheeks. As though a flood gate has been opened, she started to sob with a vengeance, letting all her sorrow at being an unwanted child flow out of her small body.
Julius stood helplessly in front of her, not sure how to handle a crying girl.
“I’m … sorry…” Evelyn said in between sobs.
It was a while before her tears dried up and Evelyn was wiping the snort off her nose with the back of her hands when a handkerchief was placed against her face, carefully wiping off the mess she had made. Taking the piece of cloth from Julius, she blew her nose and wiped her eyes with her sleeves.
“Thanks.” She said, and Julius gave a grunt in response.
“Evelyn!” came a shout as the sound of heavy steps coming from the kitchen alerted the children of an approaching person. “Evelyn! What are you doing?” The kitchen door swung open and the cook, a woman with grey hair and a heavily lined face came out of the kitchen.
“Oh! The young master.” she said seeing Julius.
Julius bobbed his head in greeting.
“Are you friends with Evelyn?” she asked.
“That’s great! She will be entering school soon, next spring. It will be good if the young master can look after this little trouble maker.”
“Its okay. I will take good care of her.” He promised.
“Well. That’s very generous of you. Evelyn, thank him.” She coaxed.
“Thanks.” She said.
“Excuse us, young master. Lunch will be served soon and we will need all the help we can get.” Cook said, as she guided Evelyn towards the kitchen. “Come along now, Evelyn. Lets get you cleaned up.”
Julius stood at the foot of the steps and watched as Evelyn and Cook went into the kitchen.
Deciding that he needed to get familiar with this town, he took off towards the stables. What better way to get to know the place than a good round of gossip with the stable hands?
Evelyn peered out of the kitchen window, staring at the retreating back of Julius. Even though she is alone now, she still had cook and a new friend in town.
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About the Author
Esther Chen lives in Singapore, a South East Asian country. She has taught in Singapore schools. In her free time, she does handicrafts, makes dolls, paints and also writes.
Other works
The boy called Jason
The story of Pooh by Wise J.
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